How can students book a lesson?

How can students book a lesson?

To book a lesson students first need to go to Courses section and Join a course or buy one

that will redirect students to Calendar page where they can see available hours of course teachers

By selecting available day and timeslot students have to click to “Book“ button


That will open a popup window where they can book an available time slot for that single day




They can also enable the 'Repeat' option and select an end date to schedule a repeated occurrence

After booking schedule students will see their lessons on calendar with same time slots

By clicking on a lesson slot, students can view information about the course, day and time of the lesson, and the teacher's name. Additionally, they have the option to reschedule or cancel the lesson if necessary.



By clicking on the opened popup, the student will be redirected to the group for that lesson, which is automatically created during the booking process. In the group, they can join a class and view their assignments.


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