How to add a new teacher to your school?

How to add a new teacher to your school?

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Your school’s staff, be it administrators, managers, teachers or accountants, might also need access to Tutor Platform in order to fulfill their part of responsibilities. These positions are grouped under the label of Member in Tutor Platform.

You might create a new member when a new teacher or manager joins your team or when you want your teammates to have different roles and permissions within Tutor Platform.


  1. Log In and hover over your profile picture, in the upper right corner of the screen and click the Settings Icon.

  2. Go to Members and click Add

  3. Select a Role from the drop-down menu or start typing in the search bar to quickly find the Role you’re looking for.


4. Fill the form and click Save. A new member is now added to your school. They will receive an email with their login details.

5. New members can edit their password, once they log into Tutor Platform.

The E-mail field is unique. You can’t have more than 1 user under the same e-mail address. Choose the right role for the member in order to give access to the tools that they will need.


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