How to view school Analytics

How to view school Analytics

Analytics is a powerful tool to monitor and evaluate your school’s performance. It helps you gain insights into various aspects of your school, enabling informed decision-making.

To access the Analytics section on our platform, navigate to Management from the main menu.

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Filter Options
With analytics, you can filter data by:

  • Time Periods: View daily, weekly, or monthly statistics, or select specific date ranges

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  • Activity Metrics: Check analytics for active members, such as teachers and managers, and monitor the performance of active groups.

Members Analytics

The "Members" section provides insights into the number of active teachers and managers, enabling quick comparisons between roles.

  • Color-Coded Representation: Managers and teachers are displayed in distinct colors (e.g., green for managers, blue for teachers) for easy interpretation.

  • Hover Insights: Hovering over points on the graph reveals key data, such as the number of managers and teachers during a specific time period.

  • Custom Filters: Switch between daily, weekly, or monthly views to analyze staff engagement on different time scales.

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The "Groups" section displays the number of active groups over time in a clear graph.

  • Interactive Tooltips: Hover over specific points on the graph to view detailed data, such as the "Active Groups Count" for a selected date range.

  • Trend Analysis: Use the graph to track patterns, such as growth or reduction in group activity. This feature helps you identify high-activity periods or areas needing improvement.

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