

Create and manage study materials here. Materials are developed separately and can be attached to courses or groups to be thought with. There are three kind of materials available now: "Quiz", "Interactive Book" and "Placement Test".

Interactive Book

From the main dashboard go to Training - Materials.

  • Click on the Add button to create a material.

  • Choose a material type you want to create (recommended type - Interactive Book).

  • Access defines availability of material. If its public it can be accessible from mobile app to all users

Material editor

To create or edit interactive content first open the material you want to edit.

Every material consists of lessons and sections. And they are shown as a tree. Each lesson can contain sections where users can put various plugins, question types, images etc… And in this way material content can be added to the editor for upcoming training. 

  1. Use + button to add new section

  2. Section Title input space

  3. Add new plugin

  4. Drag from title and move plugins

  5. Switch to edit mode

  6. Also let you add new plugin

  7. More easy view for moving plugins

  8. Lets you resize things

  9. Preview your content as a student

  10. Text formatting tool

  11. Don’t forget to save your changes in section before switching to another one or leaving the page


Plugin types:

  • Text - This plugin is used just as a text area. To put some big text, introduction or etc.

  • Speech - Text to speech converter for listening exercises

  • Audio - Possibility to upload audio content such as voice recordings

  • Spacer - Just an empty area to divide exercises from each other

  • Image - Allows users to upload images

  • Video - Includes videos from Vimeo or Youtube

  • Short Input - Single line answer with possibly multiple correct answers

  • Essay - Question type that can limit amount of text

  • Multiple Choice - Question type with single or multiple correct answers

  • Math Exercise - Multiple choice exercise with LaTeX support

  • File Upload - Let the students upload a file during a session

  • Gap Fill - Fill gaps with correct answers

  • Frame - Allows to show external URL page

  • Matching - Allows to match words and pictures in rows by drag and drop



  1. Write down a text that student can listen during practicing

  2. Resize plugin formatting tool

  3. Duplicate plugin

  4. Use trash icon to remove the plugin



Choose the height of the spacer to define distance between two plugins.



  1. Choose an url link to image or upload from your PC

  2. Mark this option to open the picture in new tab when practicing



Choose an URL link from youtube or vimeo and the video will be available in book.


Short Input:

This question type allows you to put multiple right answers for one question.

  1. Some text area with formatting options before question.

  2. Write your question in this input

  3. Space to write the correct answer. The word you put here will be hidden for students. Use preview mode to see how it will be shown to students

  4. Option to add more variants as a right answers

  5. You can upload an audio for listening exercises

  6. Select this option if you want to add more short input questions without navigating to plugins\

  7. Define your grade for correct answers. This data will be collected as a test result and will be shown on your tests table



  1. Space for students to write an essay

  2. Define required quantity of minimum and maximum words for this question

  3. Choose topics about the essay. For placement tests you can choose multiple themes, and the system will automatically shuffle them for each student

  4. Choose the grading type. You grade the result after, or let the system grade the essay depending the grammar and maximum / minimum word’s setting


Multiple Choice:

  1. Some text area with formatting options before question.

  2. Write your question in this input

  3. Space to write the correct answer. The word you put here will be hidden for students. Use preview mode to see how it will be shown to students

  4. Option to add more variants

  5. Choose an option for multiple right variants or single choice

  6. You can upload an audio for listening exercises

  7. Define your grade for correct answers. This data will be collected as a test result and will be shown on your tests table

  8. Select this option if you want to add more short input questions without navigating to plugins


Math Exercise:

The editing flow is the same as others. You just need to collaborate with LaTeX service to use formulas.


File Upload:

Use this plugin to let students upload files as an answer.


Gap Fill:

This plugin allows to choose words phrases in text and show them empty for students to fill.

  1. After choosing the plugin use this button to type text inside plugin.

  2. Then just select a word you want to hide with mouse pointer. The colored part will be hided.



Let you choose words and pictures with two columns to let students stick the right pairs.



Put the external link to show it students in frame.

Placement Test

Placement tests are using to define student’s level. It’s available to attach a test to specific course and let student pass the test after enrolling the course. Also it’s possible to create test taker profile in LMS and assign placement test to school as main test. After the users should log in with their credentials and pass the test. The results will be available on Test Results page.

Placement test creation process is the same as interactive book.

If you want just to attach placement test to user, you should create a new request manually, attach test, and choose test date for student. The placement test will be available only for that date and user should log in to lab(test taker profile) with the email that linked to request.


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