

Create and reuse course templates here. Course is a way to configure recurring trainings, publish those via Marketing channels and sell. There can be many groups under a course.


  • Find and navigate courses

  • Setting up your course

  • Course settings

Find and navigate courses

From your dashboard go to Training - Courses.

  1. Select Add button to create new course

  2. This shows if your course is private or public. Defines if the course is accessible in Tutor Platform's mobile app.

  3. Select trash icon to remove the course

Setting up your course

Now let’s go inside the course and customize it depending your needs. Select a course from the course’s page.

  1. Create groups under the course

  2. List of all the groups under the course including some metrics

  3. Course analytics

  4. Course customization settings

  5. Use this button to edit, clone, close or delete a group

Course settings


  • General

  • Schedule

  • Learning

  • Financial

  • Enrollment

  • Teacher & Staff



  • Type - This will define your course behavior

  • Enable - If this option is enabled, your course will be available for booking

  • Access - Private or public access defines if the course visible to students

  • Division - Choose division if you use branches for your school and already have created divisions form school settings



  • Start / End Date - Choose your start and end date. This fields are not required for the course, required only for groups

  • Lesson Count / Duration - Choose count to define number of lessons. Choose Duration for defining number of hours of one lesson

  • Period Type - "By End Date" will schedule lessons until end of the group, "By Period" will schedule number of lessons by number of periods provided.

  • Period Count - If you choose period type “By Period" you have to give a count to them. Lesson Count will be multiplied by "Period Count".

  • Schedule - Choose fixed time for your lessons, leave flexible to let student book when needed. To manually set up a schedule use “Switcher”.


Don’t forget to clear schedules or close groups after finishing lessons to avoid unwanted notifications.



  • Teaching Environment - If you use app integration, activate the one you need. Read more

  • Attendance Tracking - Activate “Attendance” switcher to see attendance section in your groups. “Evaluable Attendance” let you collect grads for each lesson. This option will be available during “Mark Attendance” option


  • Practice - Activate this option to assign one time practicing materials to the group. After choosing a material with selectors below, the function will be activated on student’s side. Practicing will be available for the group. And if we go to the students list, we will have an option to “Copy Book Link” of each student.



Here you can define course price per hour, lesson, month or course. This affects student fee calculation. Choose how teacher/trainer/coach's salary/payment will be calculated.



  • Placement Test Form - Placement tests are interactive book based materials which can be used to define student’s level after he/she has requested for the course.

  • Self Booking - If enabled students can enroll the course without an approval from app or website.

  • Self Learning - Indicates that the course is e-learning and no instructor will be needed. If combined with Self-booking and Auto-group-create students can purchase e-learning courses.

  • Auto Group Create - Will create groups automatically when students request to join courses. Min and Max Student number will be considered. Can be used for recurring, on-demand training or e-learning courses.

  • Block Enrollment - Prevents students even requesting to request to join the course. Can be used to show info in courses section or for courses where students are added manually.


Teacher & Staff:

Here you can assign teachers to your course. Other staff members also can be assigned as teachers.


Course settings will be automatically synced with groups created for this course and can be used as group default settings. Later you can change them for each group.