Read me first

Read me first

Please read this manual before using the platform to ensure safe and proper use.

  • The platform requires a stable network connection

  • Features that requires high CPU and RAM usage will affect the overall performance of the browser. Features related to the platform may not work properly depending on the device’s specifications and the environment that it is used in.

  • Performance problems caused by 3rd party apps are not covered by the company.

  • Features, sound sources, images and other media provided with this platform are licensed for limited use and for educational purposes. Extracting and using platform for other purposes is an infringement of copyright laws. Users are entirely responsible for illegal use of media.

  • You may incur additional charges for data services, such as 3rd party apps, messaging, uploading and downloading, syncing, or using location services depending on your data plan. For large data transfers, it is recommended not to use mobile network.

  • Depending of the user type / role, some menus and features of the platform can’t be accessible.

  • It’s recommended to use a browser for only one user to avoid a mess and page errors.

  • If you have questions about the platform or mobile app, contact a Tutor Platform Support. For 3-rd party apps, contact service providers. / support@tutor-platform.com

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