Web app

Web app

Students can access their school features, teachers, courses news, bookings, trainings both from mobile app and web version of app.

To reach this environment they should contact your school and get school specific link.

Student registration

Students can register on your school without managers. You need to activate appropriate setting from school settings. Also students should proceed with the link provided by their school. For example that’s can be learn-demo.tutor-platform.com.

As a student you should select Create account button. You will see a single registration form. Fill all needed information and click on register button.

In case of success you will be automatically signed into your profile. Your profile in school will be automatically created and school manages will have access to your information. They can add to to groups, edit your profile and also remove you from the students list.

Here students can see all of the school teachers for booking, school news and public courses.


Student dashboard

Main link: leran.tutor-platform.com

To access student web interface and synchronize with your school please use your partner specific link.

In most cases the web interface of student is mirroring the mobile app functionality.

  1. News section shows all school news, created from platform.

  2. This sections shows upcoming schedules, and students can join from dashboard.

  3. Messaging is the key part of communication between groups.

  4. Explore public courses of the school both free and for sell.

  5. Here you can find the groups you have already enrolled.

  6. Find information about school teachers.

  7. Calendar about all of school events and upcoming lessons.

  8. Booking calendar with teachers availability which come from already enrolled courses.

  9. Navigate to messaging menu.

  10. Notifications coming from the school, groups and etc.

  11. Look through student’s profile page using the avatar icon.



To open groups select Trainings section from your dashboard.


  1. Click to join the lesson. Practice - to open interactive book, the link icon - to open virtual classroom session.

  2. To open the group click on it’s title.

  3. Here students can see the information about the course their group comes from.

  4. The group info card.

  5. By this icon student can open his / her assignments.

  6. Group schedule information.

  7. Group communication chat to send messages, share files and etc.

  8. Documents attached by manager / teacher with availability to download.

Teachers list

Find the teachers from your school here. Open Teachers section will show the students list.

To see more detailed information choose one of them.

Here students can find more information about their teachers including contact info, something about experience and skills, introduction video and also can book a lesson if they have already enrolled to the course with that teacher linked to.


Book a teacher

Students can see available teachers for booking in Book A Lesson menu.

Here they can see all available courses teachers on calendar, and also can filter view choosing one of the school teachers. After clicking on “Available for booking” button, students can choose their own time range for training. 

Later teachers will get a request about booking and should approve them to practice with appropriate student in the booked time.