

Manage your registration forms here. Request forms are very similar to Google Forms but integrated into CRM.

Find and navigate request forms

To reach your forms go to Management - Forms.

  1. Create a form using Add button

  2. Get the link to share your form and make available to fill

  3. Edit the structure of your form - add, delete, edit the inputs of the form

  4. Us this option to edit or delete your form

Creating a form

  • Use Add button to create a new form

  • Fill the heading information of your form

  • Closed option will make your form unavailable to submit

Customize your form inside

  • After creating a form select it or use Edit button to make changes inside

  1. Fields you can customize by your own

  2. Copy / paste your form’s fields into another one, preview form as a user

  3. Copy the question field and past into another area

  4. Associations are using for identifying your form’s information. Using this you choose where to show form inputs after submitting

  5. Choose input types for your fields

  6. Delete selected field or make it required (users can’t submit form without filling required fields)

  7. Add new customizable field

  8. Use this option to drag a field to up or down

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