Space for students to write an essay
Define required quantity of minimum and maximum words for this question
Choose topics about the essay. For placement tests you can choose multiple themes, and the system will automatically shuffle them for each student
Choose the grading type. You grade the result after, or let the system grade the essay depending the grammar and maximum / minimum word’s setting
Multiple Choice:
Some text area with formatting options before question.
Write your question in this input
Space to write the correct answer. The word you put here will be hidden for students. Use preview mode to see how it will be shown to students
Option to add more variants
Choose an option for multiple right variants or single choice
You can upload an audio for listening exercises
Define your grade for correct answers. This data will be collected as a test result and will be shown on your tests table
Select this option if you want to add more short input questions without navigating to plugins
Math Exercise:
The editing flow is the same as others. You just need to collaborate with LaTeX service to use formulas.
Placement Test
Placement tests are using to define student’s level. It’s available to attach a test to specific course and let student pass the test after enrolling the course. Also it’s possible to create test taker profile in LMS and assign placement test to school as main test. After the users should log in with their credentials and pass the test. The results will be available on Test Results page.