

Contacts are using to store all information about school members, users, students, partners, customers and etc. School contacts can be automatically created by requests and when you are creating a student.

Find and navigate contacts

To reach your contacts go to Management - Contacts.

  1. Here you can create contact

  2. This option allows to merge similar contacts into one

  3. Use this option to import contacts from MS Excel files

  4. Create student from the chosen contact

  5. Add your contact to any group right from the list. The platform will automatically transform it to student

  6. Options to delete or stick a reminder on contact

Creating the contact

  • Select the Add (1) button to create a new contact

  • Fill the profile information about your contact (this fields are customizable from school settings)

  • Select OK and a new contact will appear in list

Merging the contacts

  • Select the contacts by checkboxes you want to merge and click on Merge Contacts (2) button

  • Choose the main contact from the list and select OK

Import the contacts

  • Select Import (3) button

  • Select an option to merge contacts or not

  • Upload the Excel file with pre-created contacts list

Contact profile

Contact profile is the detailed page of each contact, with editing options and some extra information.

  1. Edit contact fields, upload an avatar, change information

  2. See the contact’s group list

  3. The requests the contact comes from

  4. Financial information including payments, fees and etc.

  5. Financial discounts of the selected contact

  6. Certificates generated from completed courses

  7. Contact editing history. Help to track all changes done by school members

  8. With this option you can write some notes relative to contact and also attach files

  9. All school notifications sent to the contact including scheduled

  10. Use reminders to notify yourself. For example to do some calls

  11. Export contact profile as pdf file

  12. Direct link to contact’s student profile