Get a quick insight on student information here. You can see all of your school students and manage them: edit, delete, add them to the group and etc.
Find and navigate students
To access your students list go to Training - Students. Student’s default information comes from requests and contact, and they are always synchronizing between each other.
Use Add button to create a new student / creating form is similar as in contacts
Select the student(s) from your list and add to group you want
Import students from excel file
Export students as an excel file
Edit or delete a student
Student profile
Edit student fields, upload an avatar, change information
See the student’s linked group list
Financial discounts of paid courses
With this option you can write some notes relative to contact and also attach files
Check in statistics of the student
Contact editing history. Help to track all changes done by school members
Student chats
Export contact profile as pdf file
Direct link to student’s contact